§ 2.24.020. Functions and duties.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the function and duty of the Public Ethics Commission, for and on behalf of the city, its elected officials, officers, employees, boards and commissions:


    Oversee compliance with the city Campaign Reform Ordinance.


    Oversee compliance with the city Code of Ethics.


    Oversee compliance with conflict of interest regulations as they pertain to city elected officials, officers, employees, and members of boards and commissions.


    Oversee the registration of lobbyists in the city should the City Council adopt legislation requiring the registration of lobbyists.


    Oversee compliance with any ordinance intended to supplement the Brown Act or Public Records Act.


    Review all policies and programs which relate to elections and campaigns in Oakland, and report to the City Council regarding the impact of such policies and programs on city elections and campaigns.


    Make recommendations to the City Council regarding amendments to the city Code of Ethics, Campaign Reform Ordinance, Conflict of Interest Code, any ordinance intended to supplement the Brown Act or Public Records Act, and lobbyist registration requirements should the City Council adopt lobbyist registration legislation, and submit a formal report to the City Council every two years concerning the effectiveness of all local regulations and local ordinances related to campaign financing, conflict of interest, lobbying, the Brown Act, the Public Records Act, and public ethics.


    Set compensation for the office of City Councilmember which shall be reviewed by the Commission and adjusted as appropriate, in odd-numbered years. In 1997, the Commission shall first establish a base salary for the Office of Councilmember at a level which shall be the same or greater than that which is currently received. Thereafter, the Commission shall fix City Councilmember compensation at a level not to exceed ten percent above the base salary as adjusted.


    Each year, and within the time period for submission of such information for the timely completion of the city's annual budget, provide the City Council with an assessment of the Commission's staffing and budgetary needs.


    Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the imposition of fees to administer and enforce local ordinances and local regulations related to campaign financing, conflict of interest, registration of lobbyists, supplementation of the Brown Act and Public Records Act and public ethics.


    Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the adoption of additional penalty provisions for violation of local ordinances and local regulations related to campaign financing, conflict of interest, registration of lobbyists, and public ethics.


    Issue oral advice and formal written opinions, in consultation with the City Attorney when necessary, with respect to a person's duties pursuant to applicable campaign financing, conflict of interest, lobbying, and public ethics laws.


    Prescribe forms for reports, statements, notices, and other documents related to campaign financing, conflict of interest, lobbying, and public ethics.


    Develop campaign financing, conflict of interest, lobbying, Brown Act, Public Records Act and public ethics informational and training programs, including but not limited to:


    Seminars, when appropriate, to familiarize newly elected and appointed officers and employees, candidates for elective office and their campaign treasurers, lobbyists, and government officials, with city, state and federal laws related to campaign financing, conflicts of interest, the Public Records Act, the Brown Act, lobbying, and public ethics.


    Preparation and distribution of manuals to include summaries of ethics laws and reporting requirements applicable to city officers, members of boards and commissions, and city employees, methods of bookkeeping and records retention, instructions for completing required forms, questions and answers regarding common problems and situations, and information regarding sources of assistance in resolving questions. The manual shall be updated when necessary to reflect changes in applicable city, state and federal laws related to campaign financing, conflicts of interest, lobbying, and public ethics.


    Perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed by the Oakland Code of Ethics, conflict of interest regulations, ordinances as they may be adopted to supplement the Brown Act and the Public Records Act or to require the registration of lobbyists in the city and Campaign Reform Ordinance.

    In prescribing the above duties and functions of the Commission, it is not the intent of the Council to duplicate or overlap the functions, duties, or responsibilities heretofore or hereafter assigned to any other city board or commission or to a city department. As to such functions or responsibilities of another board or commission or of a department of the city, the Commission will render assistance and advice to such board, commission or department as may be necessary. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent city officers, employees, and elected or appointed officials from seeking advice directly from the City Attorney, or, when appropriate, the Fair Political Practices Commission, concerning regulations and ordinances related to campaign financing, conflicts of interest, lobbying, and public ethics.

(Ord. 11961 § 2, 1997)