§ 2.25.020. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    This Government Ethics Act is based on the premises that 1) the integrity of City government depends upon Public Servants who are entrusted by the public to use City time, property and resources efficiently and in a legal and ethically responsible manner, and 2) all individuals and groups who come into contact with our City should have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in government.


    This Act is intended to provide a clear, comprehensive, and locally enforceable framework of laws to ensure that Oakland City government operates with integrity, that government decisions are made on the merits and in the best interest of its citizens and not for private or individual gain, that the rules are clear for Public Servants, and that the law is fairly and effectively enforced.


    The provisions in this Act are in addition to other local, state and federal laws, some of which are cited by and incorporated into this Act.


    Enforcement authority established by this Act shall not be applied to alleged violations occurring prior to the effective date of this Act, except as to continuing violations after proper notice.

(Ord. No. 13278, § 1, 12-8-2014)