§ 2.30.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

    "Agency" shall mean any of the following: Community and Economic Development Agency, Financial Services Agency, Fire Services Agency, Life Enrichment Agency, Police Services Agency, Public Works Agency, Office of Retirement and Risk Assessment, Office of Personnel Resource Management, Office of Information Technology, Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Office of the City Attorney, Office of the City Auditor, Office of the City Clerk, Office of the City Council, Office of the City Manager, Office of the Mayor, Port of Oakland and such other agencies as the City Manager may designate.

    "Bilingual employee" shall mean a city employee who is proficient in the English language and a language other than English that is spoken by not less than ten thousand (10,000) limited-English-speaking-persons who are Oakland residents.

    "City" shall mean the city of Oakland.

    "Departments" shall mean both Tier 1 departments and Tier 2 departments.

    "Limited-English-speaking person" shall mean an individual who does not speak English well or is otherwise unable to communicate effectively in English because English is not the individual's primary language.

    "Phase 1" shall mean during fiscal year 2001-2002.

    "Phase 2" shall mean during fiscal year 2002-2003.

    "Public contact position" shall mean a position, whether of a clerical, service, professional or sworn nature, that emphasizes greeting, meeting, contact, or provision of information and/or services to the public in the performance of the duties of that position.

    "Substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group" or "group" shall mean at least ten thousand (10,000) limited-English-speaking city residents who speak a shared language other than English. The city planning department shall determine annually whether at least ten thousand (10,000) limited-English-speaking city residents speak a shared language other than English by referring to the best available data from the United States Census Bureau or another reliable source and shall certify its determination to the City Manager no later than December 1st of each year.

    "Sufficient bilingual employees" shall mean the number of employees required to provide the same level of services to limited-English-speaking persons as is available to English-speaking persons seeking any city services.

    "Tier 1 departments" shall mean the following city departments, divisions, or agencies: Office of the City Attorney-Claims Division; Office of the City Clerk; City Council Reception Desk; Mayor's Office Reception Desk; Oaklanders Assistance Center; Office of Personnel Resources Management; Inspection Services/Code Enforcement (Blight Abatement); Building Permit Processing; Zoning Counter; One Stop Capital Shop; Residential Lending; Rent Arbitration; Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization; Parking Citation; Business License/Tax; Fire Services-Inspections Unit; Fire Services-911 Dispatch; Firehouses; Life Enrichment Agency-Administrative Office; Recreation Centers; Senior Centers; Head Start; Library Services; Police Services-Internal Affairs; Police Beats; Abandoned Car Removal; Neighborhood Services Coordinators; Community Policing; Police Services-911 Dispatch; Police Services-Records Division; Police Services-Patrol Desk; Police Services-Traffic Division; Animal Control; Public Works Agency-Administration; Illegal Dumping Hotline; Garbage Services; Street Lighting Repair; Street Sweeping; Traffic Engineering, and such other departments as the City Manager may designate.

    "Tier 2 departments" shall mean all city agencies, departments, or divisions not specified as Tier 1 departments that furnish information or provide services to the public and consist of at least fifteen (15) full-time city employees.

(Ord. 12324 § 2 (part), 2001)