§ 2.30.040. Bilingual staffing.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    During phase I, Tier 1 departments will hire a sufficient number of bilingual employees in public contact positions so as to adequately serve members of the substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s) in the city. The City Manager will determine the adequacy of service to members of the group(s) upon review of each department's compliance plan.


    Senior Centers, Recreation Centers and Neighborhood Services Coordinator positions located in areas with a significant concentration of a substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s) shall be staffed by a sufficient number of bilingual employees. Firehouses and police beats located in areas with a significant concentration of a substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s) shall be staffed by a sufficient number of bilingual officers and firefighters.


    During phase II, Tier 2 departments will hire a sufficient number of bilingual employees in public contact positions so as to adequately serve members of the substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s) in the city. The City Manager will determine the adequacy of service to members of the group(s) upon review of each department's compliance plan.


    Upon passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter, all new hires for vacant public contact positions in Tier One or Tier Two shall be reviewed and approved by the City Manager until a compliance plan is submitted to and approved by the City Council. The plan will be presented to the Finance and Management Committee of the City Council, or such other committee as the Council may hereafter designate, before it is forwarded to the full City Council for approval.


    Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, in carrying out this chapter, sufficient bilingual employees will be hired in accordance with compliance plans and meet and confer obligations into current and future vacancies for public contact positions.


    The city will comply with any meet and confer obligations with unions representing city employees.

(Ord. 12324 § 2 (part), 2001)