§ 2.30.100. Compliance plan.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    By June 1st of each year, the City Manager shall submit to the City Council an annual compliance plan.


    Each plan filed by the City Manager shall contain the following information:


    The number and languages of the limited-English-speaking group;


    The number of public contact positions in each department covered by this chapter, listed by job title;


    The number of bilingual employees in public contact positions, their titles, office locations, and the language(s) other than English that the persons speak;


    A numerical assessment of the additional bilingual employees in public contact positions needed to meet the requirements of Section 2.30.030 of this chapter;


    If assessments indicate a need for additional bilingual employees in public contact positions to meet the requirements of Section 2.30.030 of this chapter, a description of each department's plan for filling the positions, including the number of estimated vacancies in public contact positions, and a brief narrative describing the methods or means employed to ensure a pool of qualified bilingual applicants, and a brief narrative describing the method of processing each qualified applicant, including the methods used to assess language skills;


    A list of all public contact positions filled during the current fiscal year, a list of those public contact positions filled with bilingual employees, and a copy of each of the qualified applicants pool lists for each position filled, identifying whether each applicant had bilingual capabilities;


    A narrative assessment of the procedures used to facilitate communication with members of the substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s), which shall include an assessment of the adequacy of the procedures;


    The name, address, telephone number, and contact person of each recruitment firm used to search for qualified applicants for city employment positions;


    For each firm, the total number of city employees hired from the firm in the current year, including the employee's title and department of employment, and the number of bilingual employees hired from the firm to fill public contact positions, including their title and department of employment;


    A narrative assessing the adequacy of each firm to recruit applicants for public contact positions in each of the concentrated number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s);


    If the firm has been inadequate in recruiting applicants to fill public contact positions in each of the substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s), a description of the actions to be taken to improve performance;


    A list of each department's written materials required to be translated under this chapter, the languages into which they have been translated, and the persons who have reviewed the translated material for review of accuracy and appropriateness;


    A description of each department's procedures for accepting and resolving complaints of an alleged violation of this chapter;


    A description of the written policies on providing services to members of the substantial number of limited-English-speaking persons group(s);


    A report regarding the adequacy of service to members of the limited-English-speaking persons group(s);


    Any other information requested by the City Council necessary for the implementation of this chapter.

(Ord. 12324 § 2 (part), 2001)