§ 2.41.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, wherever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section unless otherwise required by the context. The singular shall be taken to mean the plural and the plural shall mean the singular when required by the context of this chapter. The following definitions apply to this chapter:

    "Acquisition of real property" or "acquire real property" for purposes of this chapter and Section 219(6) of the Charter means the purchase or other acquisition by the City from another of a fee simple interest in real property, with or without consideration, by grant deed, quitclaim, trustee's deed, deed in lieu of foreclosure, court order, or other transfer; but does not include the acquisition of a leasehold interest, easement, equitable servitude right-of-way, option interest, security interest, or other estate in real property less than a fee simple interest, or acquisition by civil forfeiture. Notwithstanding the above, the acquisition of a leasehold interest for a term or lease period exceeding thirty-five (35) years, including any extension or renewal periods if the extension or renewal is exercisable at the unilateral option of the City, shall be treated as acquisition of real property.

    "Lease" means the conveyance to the City of a leasehold estate, rental, license or other exclusive or nonexclusive right under a less than fee simple estate for the City or its designee to use or occupy real property for a set term, periodic term such as month-to-month, or at will, with or without the payment of rent, lease payments, license fees, or other consideration; but does not include an easement or equitable servitude. A "lease" includes a sublease or an assignment of a lease to the City.

    "Purchase price" means the total consideration given or provided by the City to the seller or on behalf of the seller in exchange for the purchase or other acquisition, whether paid in cash, cash equivalent, in-kind consideration, exchange, credit, or anything else of value to the City.

    "Real property" means land, buildings, structures and other fixtures or immovable property affixed to the land.

(Ord. No. 13287, § 2, 1-6-2015)