§ 2.41.060. Acquisition of easements.  

Latest version.
  • The City is authorized to acquire easements, equitable servitudes, and right-of-way interests in real property by grant, purchase, gift, devise, contract, or eminent domain. This shall include the acquisition of negative easements such as conservation easements. Per Section 219(6) of the Charter, all such acquisitions must be authorized by an ordinance enacted by the City Council, except as provided for below.

    Notwithstanding the above, the City Administrator is delegated the full and complete authority to acquire any easements, equitable servitudes, and right-of-way interests in real property if the purchase price for such interest does not exceed one hundred thousand ($100,000.00). The City Administrator or his or her designee is authorized to negotiate and execute all documents necessary for the acquisition of such interests and take other actions necessary to complete such acquisition, provided that the funds have been appropriated for the acquisition. No further City Council action is required for such acquisitions.

(Ord. No. 13287, § 2, 1-6-2015)