§ 2.42.110. Rent.  

Latest version.
  • Real property must be leased for a rent or fee, payable in cash or other consideration, equal to or exceeding the property's fair market rental value, unless the City Council has made a finding and determination that the lease of the property for less than its fair market rental value is in the best interests of the City. In the case of lessees who provide in-kind services in lieu of cash rent, the value of such in-kind services to the City or the community at large may be considered in making the required Council finding and determination. For purposes of this chapter, in-kind services include benefits or values the provider renders to the City or the community at large as a result of the tenancy in lieu of payment of cash. This may include, but not be limited to, property security and maintenance, social and cultural benefits to the community, or other appropriate services.

(Ord. No. 13287, § 3, 1-6-2015)