§ 2.43.130. Transfer.  

Latest version.
  • No franchise, permit or privilege granted by the City shall be, in whole or in part, leased, assigned or otherwise disposed of, or transferred without the express consent of the City given by ordinance, and no deadlines with any one on the part of the City to require the performance of any act or payment or any compensation of any one shall be deemed to operate as such consent; provided that nothing herein shall he construed to prevent the grantee from the City of such franchise, permit or privilege from including it in a mortgage or trust deed without such express consent.

    The grantee of any franchise granted pursuant hereto shall (a) construct, install and maintain all tracks, pipes, tubes, conduits, poles, wires, instrumentalities and appurtenances in accordance and in conformity with all of the lawful ordinances, rules and regulations theretofore or thereafter adopted by said Council in the exercise of its police powers and as to State Highways subject to the provisions of general laws relating to the location and maintenance of such facilities therein, (b) pay to the City on demand the cost of all repairs to public property made necessary by any operations of the grantee under such franchise, (c) indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees from any and all liability for damages proximately resulting from any operations under such franchise, and (d) make such reports and permit such examination of its records as the franchise may require.

    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting the Council from including in any ordinance granting any franchise, permit, or privilege such other conditions or requirements not inconsistent with the provisions of the Charter as the Council may desire to have so inserted.

(Ord. No. 13287, § 4, 1-6-2015)