§ 2.45.030. Selection Panel.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    To the extent practicable and with the exception of the first Selection Panel previously formed under City Charter section 604(c)(3), the Mayor and the City Council shall use best efforts to appoint individuals to the Selection Panel who are broadly representative of Oakland's diversity and who represent communities experiencing the most frequent contact with the Department.


    With the exception of the first Selection Panel previously formed under City Charter section 604(c)(3), Selection Panel members shall be residents of Oakland.


    The City Administrator shall post on the City's website the names of all Selection Panel members within four (4) business days of their appointment(s) being received by the City Clerk.


    The Selection Panel, with the assistance of the City Administrator, shall determine how to solicit candidates for the positions of Commissioner and alternate, and shall determine, consistent with City Charter section 604, what information candidates must submit as part of their applications.


    In accord with the City's record retention schedule, the Selection Panel shall maintain all electronic communications to, from and/or copied to any Selection Panel member regarding any matters within the Selection Panel's jurisdiction, and provide such communications to the City upon request.


    The Selection Panel shall receive training and orientation regarding City Charter section 604 on an annual basis.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)