§ 2.45.090. Meetings.  

Latest version.
  • In conducting its meetings, the Commission shall comply with all requirements of the Brown Act, California Government Code section 54950, et seq., and Article II of Chapter 2.20 of the Oakland Municipal Code.


    Consistent with City Charter section 604(d)(1), the Commission shall meet at least twice each month at an established time and place suitable to its purpose. Such meetings shall be designated regular meetings, and shall be held at City Hall. If the Commission determines, by a majority vote of those present at a regular meeting, that a second regular meeting in that month is not necessary, it shall provide public notice of the meeting cancellation as required by all applicable State and local laws. Video recordings of all open sessions of Commission meetings shall be aired on KTOP-TV10.


    Consistent with City Charter section 604(d)(1), at least twice each year, the Commission shall hold one (1) of its regularly scheduled meetings at a location outside of City Hall. These offsite meetings shall be designated special meetings subject to the ten-day agenda notice requirement for purposes of Article II of Chapter 2.20 of the Oakland Municipal Code, and shall include an agenda item titled "community roundtable," or something similar. The purpose of the community roundtable agenda item shall be to solicit community testimony and other input in discussions regarding community policing, building trust between the community and the Department, and other similar and relevant subjects as determined by the Commission. The Commission shall consider inviting to each roundtable individuals and groups familiar with the issues involved in building and maintaining trust between the Department and the community, including but not limited to representatives from the Department, members of faith-based groups, youth groups, advocacy groups, residents of neighborhoods that experience the most frequent contact with the Department and, to the extent practicable, formerly incarcerated members of the community.


    "Final Actions," as defined by state and local open meeting laws, taken by the Commission in closed session shall be publicly reported with the vote or abstention on that action of every member present.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)