§ 2.45.100. Office of Inspector General.  

Latest version.
  • Within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the effective date of this Chapter 2.45, there shall be established, under the purview of the Commission, a civilian Office of Inspector General for the Department (hereinafter referred to as "OIG"). Within one (1) year after the City Council's confirmation of the first group of Commissioners and alternates, the Department's internal Office of Inspector General shall be renamed. The Inspector General shall serve and report to the Commission full time. The Inspector General shall be hired and supervised by the Commission.


    The powers, functions and duties of the OIG shall be those assigned or authorized by the Commission, and shall include conducting any audit or review of the Department necessary to assess the Department's performance and adherence to constitutional policing practices, and shall also include conducting any audit or review of the Department's policies and procedures, including any pattern of non-compliance with the foregoing, as necessary or helpful for the Commission to fulfill its duties under City Charter section 604(b)(4), (5) and (6).


    The Commission may request that the Chief assign a sworn Department employee to act as a liaison from the Department to the OIG.


    The City shall allocate a sufficient budget for the OIG to perform its functions and duties as set forth in section 2.45.120, below, including budgeting one (1) full-time staff position comparable to the position of Police Program and Audit Supervisor. All OIG staff, including the Inspector General, shall be civil service employees in accordance with Article IX of the City Charter.


    Within thirty (30) days after the first Inspector General is hired, the Policy Analyst position and funding then budgeted to the Agency shall be reallocated to the OIG.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)