§ 2.45.110. Civilian Inspector General.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Within one (1) year of the City Council's confirmation of the first group of Commissioners and alternates, the Commission, with the assistance of the Human Resources Management Department and in accordance with the City's Civil Service Rules, shall prepare a job description and list of required qualifications for the position of civilian Inspector General. After all required approvals have been obtained for adding this position to the City's Classification Plan (as defined by the City's Civil Service Rules), the Commission, with the assistance of the City Administrator shall be responsible for hiring the first and all subsequent civilian Inspectors General. The Inspector General shall be subject to a background check as described in section 2.45.060, above, before hiring except that the results of the background check shall be submitted only to the Commission.


    Within ninety (90) days of his or her appointment, the Inspector General shall, at a minimum, receive the training described in City Charter section 604(c)(9) and in section 2.45.190 A. through F. of this Chapter 2.45. The Commission may propose any additional training it deems necessary for the Inspector General to perform the functions and duties of the OIG.


    The Inspector General shall report to the Commission, and may only be removed according to the City's Civil Service Rules and any applicable memorandum of understanding between the City and a union.


    The Inspector General shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the OIG, including but not limited to the supervision and direction of all OIG staff.


    The Inspector General shall be permitted to attend, as an observer, Executive Force Review Board, Force Review Board, and, to the extent permitted by law, Skelly hearings if he or she chooses to do so. The Inspector General shall not have any decision-making authority regarding the specific cases being heard, and shall maintain the confidentiality of the hearings as required by law. The Inspector General shall not be permitted to attend any Executive Force Review Board, Force Review Board, or Skelly hearing until he or she has completed the training identified in section 2.45.190 C.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)