§ 2.45.120. Functions and duties of the Office of Inspector General.  

Latest version.
  • The Commission shall advise the OIG of its priorities and the functions and duties the Commission establishes for the Office of Inspector General, which shall include, without limitation:


    Preparing an annual report, summarizing the results of the annual reviews of:


    The Department's processes and procedures for investigating alleged Misconduct;


    The Department's processes and procedures for determining the appropriate level of discipline for sustained findings of misconduct;


    The Agency's processes and procedures for investigating alleged Misconduct;


    The Agency's processes and procedures for determining the appropriate level of discipline for sustained findings of misconduct;


    Trends and patterns regarding Department training and education, and the Department's use of any early warning system(s);


    Training and/or policy issues that arise during the investigations of complaints; and


    Trends and patterns regarding use of force and Department sworn employee-involved shootings.

    This annual report shall be presented to the Commission, the Mayor, the City Council's Public Safety Committee, the City Council and to the Chief and shall include, where appropriate, recommendations for changes in the processes and procedures that were reviewed.


    Monitoring and evaluating, on at least an annual basis, the number and percentage of sworn officers who have received in-service training on profiling and implicit bias, procedural justice, de-escalation, diplomacy, situational problem-solving, and work-related stress management, and make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Commission regarding changes to the Department's training programs.


    Developing and presenting a plan to the Commission to measure the performance of each element of the Department's discipline process for sworn Department employees.


    Completing all audits or reviews requested by the Mayor, the City Administrator, and/or the City Council by an affirmative majority vote. The Inspector General shall report all findings to the office that requested the audit or review.


    Monitoring, evaluating, and making recommendations regarding the Department's recruitment and hiring practices for sworn personnel.


    Monitoring, evaluating, and making recommendations regarding the Department's policies and procedures as requested by the Commission in furtherance of its duties under City Charter section 604(b)(4), (5) and (6).


    Monitoring, evaluating, and making recommendations regarding the Department's risk management practices.


    Any reports, plans, audits, reviews and recommendations generated by the OIG shall not disclose information in violation of state and local law regarding the confidentiality of personnel records, including but not limited to California Penal Code section 832.7.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)