§ 2.45.180. Staff assistance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Within two hundred and forty (240) days of the City Council's confirmation of the first group of Commissioners and alternates and on an ongoing basis as appropriate, the Commission shall provide the City Administrator with its proposal for the staff positions necessary to permit the Commission and the Agency to fulfill its functions and duties as set forth in this Chapter 2.45, Chapter 2.46, and as set forth in section 604 of the City Charter.


    Pursuant to City Charter section 604(e)(5) and, to the extent practicable, within one (1) week of the City Council's confirmation of the first group of Commissioners and alternates, the City Administrator shall assign an administrative staff person under her/his jurisdiction to provide administrative support to the Commission and to act as liaison between the Commission and the City Administrator's office.


    At a minimum, the City Council shall allocate the equivalent of an additional one-half (½) of a full-time administrative position (0.5 FTE) to the City budget for the purpose of providing adequate administrative support for the Commission.


    The full-time equivalent non-City Attorney legal advisor position assigned by the City Attorney after consultation with the Chair shall be divided into two (2) part time positions: a one-half (½) or two-thirds (⅔) time position with specific responsibilities for providing legal services to the Agency related to investigations and discipline, and a one-half (½) or one-third (⅓) time position as legal advisor to the Commission. The legal advisor to the Agency and the legal advisor to the Commission shall report to the Commission. Neither the legal advisor to the Agency nor the legal advisor to the Commission shall report to or be supervised by the City Attorney or any Deputy City Attorney. Pursuant to City Charter Section 401(6), the City Attorney shall act as counsel to the Agency and the Commission in any litigation brought against either in their official capacity and shall provide legal advice only upon request of the Commission.

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)