§ 3.08.240. Ballot title and summary of city measure.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever any City Council originated measure qualifies for a place on the ballot, the City Clerk shall immediately transmit a copy of the measure to the City Attorney. The City Attorney shall prepare a ballot title and summary for the measure within fifteen (15) days. The ballot title and summary may differ from the legislative or other title of the measure and shall describe in five hundred (500) words or less the provisions of the measure. In furnishing the ballot title and summary, the City Attorney shall give a true and impartial description of the provisions in such language that the ballot title and summary shall not be an argument or likely to create prejudice either for or against the measure. The ballot title and summary shall be part of the official election materials available to voters.


    When any registered voter believes that subsection A of this section has been violated, the voter may obtain a writ of mandate pursuant to applicable state law requiring the ballot title and summary prepared by the City Attorney to be amended.

(Prior code § 11-3.07)