§ 3.08.040. Nomination petitions.  

Latest version.
  • The City Clerk shall prepare and issue nomination petitions to all candidates for municipal office. Nomination petitions shall be obtained from and issued by the City Clerk or his or her authorized representative.

    The period for the filing of nomination documents by candidates in municipal elections consolidated with the regularly scheduled state elections shall commence on the one hundred thirteenth day prior to the election. The nomination document for municipal elections consolidated with regularly scheduled state elections shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk not later than five p.m. on the eighty-eighth day prior to the election.

    The City Clerk shall issue forty (40) nomination petitions to each candidate containing adequate space for five signatures per page, for a total of two hundred (200) signatures and no additional nomination petitions will be issued to any candidate(s). The City Clerk shall accept up to forty (40) nomination petitions from each candidate for verification. Nomination petitions shall be issued to and returned by the candidate(s) only, in person, or by an authorized representative in possession of a written request of authorization to receive or return the nomination petitions, signed and dated by the candidate(s).

    For district offices, nomination petitions shall bear the signatures of not less than fifty (50) nor more than one hundred (100) registered voters of the city who are residents of the district of the office for which the candidate seeks nomination.

    For city-wide offices, nomination petitions shall bear the signatures of not less than fifty (50) nor more than one hundred (100) registered voters who are residents of the city.

    Candidates must file original nomination petitions issued by the City Clerk, no copies will be accepted by the City Clerk.

(Prior code § 11-2.01)