§ 3.08.150. Order of candidates' names.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Within ten days following the last day on which nominating petitions may be filed for an Oakland municipal election in which nominating petitions are accepted, the City Clerk shall hold a public drawing to determine the order in which the names of qualifying candidates for each office shall appear on the ballot.

    The City Clerk shall write the name of each candidate for an office on a slip of paper, fold the slip so as to conceal the name and place the slip in a box. The City Clerk shall then draw the slips of paper from the box until all the slips are withdrawn. The names of candidates shall be printed on the ballot in the order in which the slips of paper containing the names of candidates are drawn.




    At least five days prior to the date on which any drawing is conducted pursuant to this Section, the City Clerk shall place a notice on the official bulletin board, City Hall, specifying the time, date, and location of the drawing.

(Ord. No. 12998, § 1, 3-2-2010; Prior code § 11-2.12)