§ 3.12.020. Findings and declarations.  

Latest version.
  • The Oakland City Council finds and declares each of the following:


    Monetary contributions to political campaigns are a legitimate form of participation in our political process, but the financial strength of certain individuals or organizations should not enable them to exercise a disproportionate or controlling influence on the election of candidates.


    The rapidly increasing costs of political campaigns have forced many candidates to raise larger and larger percentages of money from interest groups with a specific financial stake in matters under consideration by City government. This has caused the public perception that votes are being improperly influenced by monetary contributions. This perception is undermining the credibility and integrity of the governmental process.


    Candidates are raising less money in small contributions and more money in large individual and organizational contributions. This has created the public impression that the small contributor has an insignificant role to play in political campaigns.


    High campaign costs are forcing elected City Officials to spend more time on fundraising and less time on the public's business. The constant pressure to raise contributions is distracting elected City Officials from urgent governmental matters.


    Elected City Officials are responding to high campaign costs by raising larger amounts of money. This fundraising distracts them from important public matters, encourages contributions, which may have a corrupting influence, and gives incumbents an overwhelming and patently unfair fundraising advantage over potential challengers.


    The integrity of the governmental process, the competitiveness of campaigns and public confidence in local officials are all diminishing.


    This Act shall be liberally construed and vigorously enforced to ensure its purposes are fulfilled.

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)