§ 3.12.040. Interpretation of this Act.

Latest version.
  • Unless the term is specifically defined in this Act or the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the definitions set forth in the California Political Reform Act (California Government Code Sections 81000 through 91014), as amended, shall govern the interpretation of this Act.


    "Broad-based political committee" means a committee of persons which has been in existence for more than six (6) months, receives contributions from one hundred (100) or more persons, and acting in concert makes contributions to five (5) or more candidates.


    "Candidate" means any candidate, as defined by the California Political Reform Act, for City Office.


    "City" means the City of Oakland.


    "City Office" includes, but is not limited to, City of Oakland Mayor (Mayor), City of Oakland City Attorney (City Attorney), City of Oakland City Auditor (City Auditor), City of Oakland City Councilmembers (Councilmembers), and Oakland School Board Directors (School Board Directors).


    "City Official" means any person holding a City Office, any member of a City board or commission, and any City employee.


    "Election" means any election for City Office.


    "Election cycle" means a four-year period preceding a term of office as defined by the Oakland City Charter, beginning on January 1st, and ending on December 31st of the fourth year thereafter.


    "Entity" means any person, other than an individual.


    "Local committee" means any committee, as defined in the California Political Reform Act, that is required by the California Political Reform Act to file campaign statements with the City.


    "Person" means an individual, proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, business, trust, company, corporation, association, committee, and any other organization or group of persons acting in concert.


    "Qualified campaign expenditure" for candidates means and includes all of the following:


    Any expenditure made by a candidate, elected City Official or committee controlled by the candidate or elected City Official, for the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence the actions of the voters for or against the election of any candidate.


    A nonmonetary contribution provided at the request of or with the approval of the candidate, elected City Official or committee controlled by the candidate or elected City Official.

    "Qualified campaign expenditure" does not include any payment if it is clear from the surrounding circumstances that it was not made in any part for political purposes.

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)