§ 3.12.080. Aggregation of contributions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of the contribution limitations enumerated in this Act, the following shall apply:


    Two (2) or more entities' contributions shall be aggregated when any of the following circumstances apply:


    The entities share the majority of members of their boards of directors.


    The entities share three (3) or more, or a majority of, officers.


    The entities are owned or controlled by the same majority shareholder or shareholders.


    The entities are in a parent-subsidiary relationship.


    One entity finances, maintains, or controls the other entity's contributions or expenditures.


    Contributions made by entities that are majority-owned by any person shall be aggregated with the contributions of the majority owner and all other entities majority-owned by that person, unless those entities act independently in their decision to make contributions.


    The contributions of an entity whose contributions are directed and controlled by any person shall be aggregated with contributions made by that person and any other entity whose contributions are directed and controlled by that same person.


    If two (2) or more entities make contributions that are directed and controlled by a majority of the same persons, the contributions of those entities shall be aggregated.


    No committee and no broad-based political committee which supports or opposes a candidate shall have as officers individuals who serve as officers on any other committee which supports or opposes the same candidate. No such committee or broad-based political committee shall act in concert with, or solicit or make contributions on behalf of, any other committee or broad-based political committee. This subdivision shall not apply to treasurers of committees if these treasurers do not participate in or control in any way a decision on which a candidate or candidates receive contributions.

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)