§ 3.12.140. Contractors doing business with the City or the Oakland Unified School District prohibited from making contributions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person who contracts or proposes to contract with or who amends or proposes to amend such a contract with the City for the rendition of services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies, commodities or equipment to the City, for selling or leasing any land or building to the City, or for purchasing or leasing any land or building from the City, whenever the value of such transaction would require approval by the City Council shall make any contribution to the Mayor, a candidate for Mayor, a City Councilmember, a candidate for City Council, the City Attorney, a candidate for City Attorney, the City Auditor, a candidate for City Auditor, or committee controlled by such elected City Official or candidate at any time between commencement of negotiations and one hundred eighty (180) days after the completion or the termination of negotiations for such contract.


    No person who contracts or proposes to contract with or who amends or proposes to amend such a contract with the Oakland School District, for the rendition of services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies, commodities or equipment to the School District. for selling or leasing any land or building to the School District, or for purchasing or leasing any land or building from the School District, whenever the value of such transaction would require approval by the School Board, shall make any contribution to a School Board member, candidate for School Board Directors or committee controlled by such elected City Official or candidate at any time between commencement of negotiations and one hundred eighty (180) days after the completion or termination of negotiations for such contract.


    If a person is an entity, the restrictions of Subsections A. and B. also apply to all of the entity's principals, including, but not limited to, the following:


    The entity's board chair, president, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, and any individual who serves in the functional equivalent of one or more of those positions;


    Any individual who owns an ownership interest in the entity of twenty (20) percent or more; and


    An individual employee, independent contractor, or agent of the entity, that represents or is authorized to represent the entity before the City in regards to the contract or proposal contract.


    "Services" means and includes labor, professional services, consulting services, or a combination of services and materials, supplies, commodities and equipment which shall include public works projects.


    For contributions to elected City Officials other than School Board Directors, transactions that require approval by the City Council include but are not limited to:


    Contracts for the procurement of services that are professional or consulting services exceeding fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00).


    Contracts for the procurement of services exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), other than contracts for professional or consulting services.


    Contracts for the furnishing of any materials, supplies, commodities or equipment exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).


    Contracts for the sale or lease of any building or land to or from the City.


    Amendments to contracts described in Subsections E.1., 2., 3., and 4. of this Section.


    For contributions to School Board Directors, transactions that require approval by the School Board include but are not limited to:


    Professional services and consulting contracts exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), including personal service agreements.


    Contracts requiring School Board approval under Public Contract Code Section 20111.


    Construction contracts exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) whether or not they are subject to the provisions of the Public Contract Code.


    Contracts for the sale or lease of any building or land to or from the School District.


    Amendments to contracts described in Subsections F.1., 2., 3., and 4. of this Section.


    "Commencement of negotiations" for City contracts occurs when a contractor or contractor's agent formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment to any City Official or when a City Official formally proposes submission of a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment from a contractor or contractor's agent.




    "Commencement of negotiations" for Oakland School District contracts occurs when a contractor or contractor's agent formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment to any elected or appointed School District officer or employee or when any elected or appointed School District officer or employee formally proposes submission of a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment from a contractor or contractor's agent.


    "Commencement of negotiations" does not include unsolicited receipt of proposal or contract information or documents related to them, requests to be placed on mailing lists or routine inquiries for information about a particular contract, request for proposal or any information or documents relating to them or attendance at an informational meeting.


    "Completion of negotiations" occurs when the City or the School District executes the contract or amendment.


    "Termination of negotiations" occurs when the contract or amendment is not awarded to the contractor or when the contractor files a written withdrawal from the negotiations, which is accepted by a City Official or an appointed or elected School District officer or employee.


    The Oakland City Administrator shall be responsible for implementing procedures for City contracts to ensure contractor compliance with this Act. A proposed or current contractor must sign and date the following statement at the time the contractor formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment:

    The Oakland Campaign Reform Act limits campaign contributions and prohibits contributions from contractors doing business with the City of Oakland or the Oakland Unified School District during specified time periods. Violators are subject to civil and criminal penalties.

    I have read Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 3.12, including section 3.12.140, the contractor provisions of the Oakland Campaign Reform Act, and certify that I/we have not knowingly, nor will I/we make contributions prohibited by the Act.

    Business Name _____

    Date _____

    Signature _____

    The signed and dated statement must be received and filed by the City Clerk at the same time the proposal is submitted. Contracts may not be awarded to any contractors who have not signed this certification. The City Clerk shall keep an updated list of current contractors available for inspection.


    The Oakland Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for implementing procedures for Oakland School District contracts to ensure contractor compliance with the Oakland Campaign Reform Act. A proposed or current contractor must sign and date the following statement at the time the contractor formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment:

    The Oakland Campaign Reform Act limits campaign contributions and prohibits contributions from contractors doing business with the City of Oakland or the Oakland Unified School District during specified time periods. Violators are subject to civil and criminal penalties.

    I have read Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 3.12, including section 3.12.140, the contractor provisions of the Oakland Campaign Reform Act, and certify that I/we have not knowingly, nor will I/we make contributions prohibited by the Act.

    Business Name _____

    Date _____

    Signature _____

    The signed and dated statement must be received and filed with the School District at the same time the proposal is submitted. Contracts may not be awarded to any contractors who have not signed this certification. The School District shall keep an updated list of current contractors available for inspection.


    A person who contracts with the City or the School District for the rendition of services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies, commodities or equipment to the City or the School District, or for selling any land or building to the City or the School District or for purchasing any land or building from the City or the School District, or for leasing any land to or from the School District, whenever the value of such transaction would require approval by the City Council or the School Board, and who violates Subsection A. of this Section, shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of Article IX of this Act.


    Candidates and their controlled committees shall include a notice on all campaign fundraising materials equivalent to eight-point roman boldface type, which shall be in a color or print which contrasts with the background so as to be easily legible, and in a printed or drawn box and set apart from any other printed matter. The notice shall consist of the following statement:

    The Oakland Campaign Reform Act limits campaign contributions by all persons (OMC §§ 3.12.050 and 3.12.060) and prohibits contributions during specified time periods from contractors doing business with the City of Oakland or the Oakland Unified School District (OMC § 3.12.140).

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)