§ 3.12.160. Allowance for donation of office space.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Donation of office space for use by elected City Officials in furtherance of their duties and responsibilities by a person or broad based political committee shall not be considered a campaign contribution subject to the provisions of this Act, provided that:


    The donation is made to the City and accepted pursuant to Oakland City Charter Section 1203 for use by the Mayor, Councilmembers, City Attorney or City Auditor or in the case of School Board Directors, the donation is made to the Oakland Unified School District; and


    The name, address, employer, and occupation of the donor, and the current market value of the donated office space, are provided to the City Clerk.


    Use of office space donated pursuant to this Section by an elected City Official shall not be considered a "qualified campaign expenditure" pursuant to Section 3.12.040 of this Act.

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)