§ 3.12.170. Legal expense funds.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An elected City Official or candidate may receive contributions for a separate legal expense fund, for deposit into a separate account, to be used solely to defray attorney's fees and other legal costs incurred in the candidate's or elected City Official's legal defense to any civil, criminal, or administrative action or actions arising directly out of the conduct of the campaign or election process, or the performance of the candidate's or elected City Official's governmental activities and duties. Contributions to the legal expense fund must be earmarked by the contributor for contribution to the fund at the time the contribution is made. All funds contributed to an elected City Official or candidate for legal expense fund must be deposited into the elected City Official's appropriate campaign bank account prior to being deposited into the legal expense fund. The legal expense fund may be in the form of a certificate of deposit, interest-bearing savings account, money market account, or similar account, which shall be established only for the legal expense fund.


    Contributions received by or made to the legal expense fund shall not be subject to the contribution limitations of Article III of this Act.


    Expenditures made from the legal expense fund shall not be subject to the voluntary expenditure ceilings of Article IV of this Act.

(Ord. No. 13399, § 1, 11-29-2016)