§ 3.13.060. Appropriation of funds.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The city council shall appropriate to the election campaign fund, under the city's current two-year budget cycle, an amount sufficient to fund all candidates eligible to receive public financing for the office of district city councilmember.


    The city public ethics commission shall provide in the form and at the time directed by the mayor and city administrator a written estimate of the amount necessary to be appropriated for any two-year budget cycle according to the provisions of this Act for all eligible candidates. The amount of funds to be allocated to the election campaign fund shall be based on a consideration of anticipated campaign activity, anticipated administrative costs, and existing unspent funds within the account. The amount of funds to be allocated to the election campaign fund shall not exceed $500,000.00 for any two-year budget cycle.


    The election campaign fund shall be established as an interest bearing account. Unspent funds in the election campaign fund at the end of a two-year budget cycle shall remain in the fund and accrue for disbursement to candidates eligible for public financing in future elections and for administrative costs.


    Up to seven and one-half percent of the amount allocated to the election campaign fund pursuant to Subsections 3.13.060(a) and (b) may be utilized by the public ethics commission to cover the anticipated cost of administering the provisions of this Act.

(Ord. No. 13031, 7-27-2010)