§ 3.13.080. Qualification procedures.  

Latest version.
  • A candidate shall be approved to receive public financing if the candidate meets all of the following requirements:


    The candidate has filed a timely statement of acceptance of the voluntary spending ceilings and acceptance of public financing.


    The candidate is certified to appear on the ballot for the election for which public financing is sought.


    The candidate has (1) received contributions in an aggregate amount of at least five percent of the expenditure ceiling for the office being sought from contributors whose principal residence or whose primary place of doing business is located within the city and which residence or business address appears on the written instrument used to make the contribution, and (2) made qualified campaign expenditures in an aggregate amount of at least five percent of the expenditure ceiling for the office being sought. Contributions from the candidate's own funds shall not be counted towards meeting this five percent requirement. The candidate shall provide copies of the contribution checks received and records of payments made to meet the five percent eligibility requirements.


    The candidate is opposed by another candidate for the same office.


    The candidate agrees to all conditions and requirements of this Act and to submit to any reasonable audit deemed appropriate by the public ethics commission or other civil authorities.


    The candidate or his or her campaign treasurer or designee attends a training program conducted or sponsored by the public ethics commission.


    The candidate has filed, and completely and accurately executed, all pre-election campaign statements that are due at the time public financing is payable. All candidates receiving public financing shall timely file, and completely and accurately execute, all post-election campaign statements for each election in which they received public financing.

(Ord. No. 13031, 7-27-2010)