§ 3.13.110. Requests for public financing.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Public financing pursuant to this Act shall be provided solely by reimbursing eligible candidates for certain qualified campaign expenditures lawfully made by the candidate and his or her campaign committee.


    The qualified campaign expenditures eligible for reimbursement are:


    Candidate filing and ballot fees;


    Printed campaign literature and production costs;




    Print advertisements;


    Radio airtime and production costs;


    Television or cable airtime and production costs; and


    Website design and maintenance costs.


    The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to any request for reimbursement:


    All requests for reimbursement shall be made on a form authorized by the public ethics commission and shall include: (a) a copy of the billing invoice for which reimbursement is sought; (b) a copy of the check(s) by which the candidate's campaign committee made payment on the billing invoice; and (c) a copy, when applicable, of the campaign literature, advertisement, radio or television script, or website configuration.


    All requests for reimbursement shall include a sworn declaration by the candidate and his or her campaign treasurer that (a) the check(s) used to make payment on the billing invoice represents payment in full of the billing invoice submitted for reimbursement and that sufficient funds exist in the campaign account to provide payment, and (b) any money received from the election campaign fund has not been previously earmarked or specifically encumbered to pay or to secure payment of any loan, return of contribution or of any expenditure other than the one for which reimbursement was sought.


    Any decision made by the executive director to deny a request for reimbursement may be appealed to the commission whose decision shall be final. A request to agendize an appeal of the executive director's decision shall be made in writing and delivered to the office of the public ethics commission no more than ten calendar days after receiving written notice of the executive director's decision.


    The total amount of public financing allocated to each candidate shall not exceed 30 percent of the voluntary expenditure ceiling per election for the office being sought.

(Ord. No. 13031, 7-27-2010)