§ 3.13.150. Return of surplus funds.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Surplus campaign funds remaining at the end of the post-election reporting period following the election for which public financing was received shall be returned to the election campaign fund no later than 31 calendar days from the last day of the semi-annual reporting period following the election in an amount specified by this section. A candidate shall not be required to return any surplus funds in an amount greater than the amount of public financing received. The amount of surplus campaign funds to be returned to the election campaign fund shall be calculated by multiplying the amount of surplus campaign funds by the percentage that total public financing received represents of total monetary contributions received for the election period.


    For purposes of this Act, campaign funds shall be considered "surplus" campaign funds to the extent that the total amount of contributions (excluding the receipt of public financing) exceed the total financial obligations of the candidate's campaign committee (excluding unlawful or non-qualified campaign expenditures) as of the last day of the semi- annual reporting period following the election. A financial obligation includes (1) accounts payable billed, or (2) accounts payable for which bills may be expected, for goods or services received during the election.


    Public financing shall not be disbursed to the certified candidate from the election campaign fund following the day of the election or the candidate's withdrawal from the election, whichever occurs first, except that public financing may be disbursed to a certified candidate after the date of the election or withdrawal provided that the candidate submitted a properly documented request for reimbursement before the date of the election or the date of withdrawal from the election.

(Ord. No. 13031, 7-27-2010)