§ 3.20.030. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall be applicable:


    "Client" means the real party in interest for whose benefit the services of a local governmental lobbyist are actually performed. An individual member of an organization shall not be deemed to be a "client" solely by reason of the fact that such member is individually represented by an employee or agent of the organization as a regular part of such employee's or agent's duties with the organization as long as such member does not pay an amount of money or other consideration in addition to the usual membership fees for such representation.


    "Contractor" means any party to an agreement in which the value of the consideration exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and, (1) The City is a party, or (2) the agreement or its effectiveness is in any way dependent or conditioned upon approval by the City Council or any board or commission, officer or employee of the City.


    "Designated Employees" mean City employees who are designated employees within the meaning of the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended, and who are required by the Political Reform Act or a city conflict of interest code to file financial interest disclosure statements.


    "Local Governmental Lobbyist" means any individual who: (1) receives or is entitled to receive one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or more in economic consideration in a calendar month, other than reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses, to communicate directly or through agents with any public official, officer, or designated employee, for the purpose of influencing any proposed or pending governmental action of the City; or (2) whose duties as a salaried employee, officer, or director, of any corporation, organization or association, include communication directly or through agents with any public official, officer, or designated employee, for the purpose of influencing any proposed or pending governmental action of the City. No person is a local governmental lobbyist by reason of activities described in Section 3.20.030 A. In case of any ambiguity, the definition of "local governmental lobbyist" shall be interpreted broadly.


    "Governmental Action" means any administrative or legislative action of the City other than an action which is ministerial in nature.


    "Payment" means a payment, distribution transfer, loan advance, deposit, gift or other rendering of money, property, services or anything else of value, whether tangible or intangible.


    "Person Doing Business with the City" means any person whose financial interests are materially affected by governmental action as defined by Section 3.20.030 E. It includes persons currently doing business with the City, planning to do business with the City, or having done business with the City within two (2) years. For purposes of this Act a person's financial interests shall not be found to be materially affected by the issuance of any license or permit which does not require the exercise of discretion by City officers or employees.


    "Public Official" means an elected or appointed officer or employee or officially designated representative, whether compensated or not, of the United States or any of its agencies, the State of California, any political subdivision of the state, including cities, counties, districts, or any public corporation, agency or commission.

(Ord. 13469, § 1, 1-16-2018; Ord. 12803 § 4, 2007; Ord. 12782 § 3 (part), 2007; Ord. 12431 (part), 2002)