§ 3.20.060. Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of this Act shall not apply:


    To a public official acting in his or her official capacity.


    To the publication or broadcasting of news items, editorials, or other comments, or paid advertisements, which directly or indirectly urge governmental action.


    To a person specifically invited by the City Council or any committee thereof, or by any board or commission, or any committee of a board or commission, or by any officer or employee of the City charged by law with the duty of conducting a hearing or making a decision, for the purpose of giving testimony or information in aid of the body or person extending the invitation.


    To a person who, without extra compensation and not as part of, or in the ordinary course of, his or her regular employment, presents the position of his or her organization when that organization has one or more of its officers, directors, employees or representatives already registered under the provisions of this Act.


    Any attorney, architect or civil engineer whose attempts to influence governmental action are limited to: (1) Publicly appearing at a public meeting, public hearing, or other official proceeding open to the public; (2) Preparing or submitting documents or writings in connection with the governmental action for use at a public meeting, public hearing, or other official proceeding open to the public; and (3) Contacting City employees or agents working under the direction of the City administrator directly relating to (1) and (2) above.


    To designated representatives of a recognized employee organization whose activities are limited to communicating with City Officials or their representatives regarding (1) wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment pursuant to the procedures set forth in Government Code Sections 3500—3510, or (2) the administration, implementation or interpretation of an existing employment agreement.


    To persons whose only activity is to (1) submit a bid on a competitively bid contract, (2) respond to a request for proposal or qualifications, or (3) negotiate the terms of a written contract if selected pursuant to such bid or request for proposal or qualifications. This exception shall not apply to persons who attempt to influence the award or terms of a contract with any elected official or member of any City board or commission.

(Ord. 13469, § 1, 1-16-2018; Ord. 12782 § 3 (part), 2007; Ord. 12431 (part), 2002)