§ 3.20.180. Restrictions on payments and expenses benefiting local public officials, candidates for local office, designated employees and immediate families.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No local governmental lobbyist or a local governmental lobbyist's registered client shall make any payment or incur any expense that directly benefits an elected City officeholder, candidate for elected City office, a designated employee, or a member of the immediate family of one (1) of these individuals, in which the cumulative value of such payments or expenses exceeds two hundred forty dollars ($240.00) during any calendar year.


    The payments and expenses specified in subsection (A) include gifts, honoraria and any other form of compensation but- do not include (1) campaign contributions; (2) payments or expenses that, within thirty (30) days after receipt, are returned unused or are reimbursed; (3) food, beverages or occasional lodging provided in the home of an individual local governmental lobbyist or individual local governmental lobbyist's registered client when the individual or member of the individual's family is present; (4) a pass or ticket to a fundraising event for a campaign committee or candidate, or for an organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (5) a pass or ticket given to a public agency and which meets the provisions of 2 Cal. Code of Regs. No. 18944. 1 (a) through (e), inclusive; (6) informational material; and (7) salaries, consulting fees or other payments for services rendered or bargained for. No other exception to, or exclusion from, the definition of gift or honoraria contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974 as amended, and the regulations issued pursuant thereto, shall apply to this Section.

(Ord. 13469, § 1, 1-16-2018; Ord. 12782 § 3 (part), 2007)