§ 4.12.050. Records and statements required.  

Latest version.
  • Every distributor shall keep a complete and accurate record of all cigarettes distributed by him or her in the city. Such records shall, with respect to each separate distribution, include a written statement containing the name and address of the retail outlet to which distribution is made and to whom title or possession of the distributed cigarettes is transferred, the date of delivery, the quantity of cigarettes, the amount of tax imposed under this Chapter, and such other information as the Tax Administrator may reasonably require. All statements and records required by this Section shall be in a form satisfactory to the Tax Administrator. They shall be preserved for a period of three years and shall be offered for inspection at any time upon oral or written demand by the Tax Administrator or his authorized agent.

    The Tax Administrator is authorized and directed to offset and deduct from the total amount of tax moneys which may become owing and payable by a distributor to the city under the provisions of this Chapter an amount of money equal to two percent of such total amount of tax moneys owing and payable by such distribution to the city for such month, if such distributor has complied with and done all things required of him by the provisions of this Section to the satisfaction of the Tax Administrator. Such offset and deduction shall be deemed reimbursement to the distributor for costs and expenses incurred by him or her in complying with and doing all things required of him or her by this Section.

(Prior code § 5-22.15)