§ 4.20.030. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this Chapter:

    "Changes in control and ownership of legal entities" means any direct or indirect acquisition or transfer of ownership interest or control in a legal entity that constitutes a change in ownership or transfer of the real property of the entity under California Revenue and Taxation Code section 64, as such statute reads and is interpreted by the California Board of Equalization on June 3, 2009.

    "Person" and "persons" mean any natural person, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, club, company, joint stock company, business trust, limited liability company, municipal corporation, political subdivision of the State of California, domestic or foreign corporation, association, syndicate, society, or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit, or otherwise, and the United States or any instrumentality thereof, and any natural person, who as an individual or with a spouse, owns 51 percent or more of the capital stock of a corporation obligated to file a declaration and pay tax pursuant to this Chapter ; and in addition, is a person with the power to control the fiscal decision-making process by which the corporation allocates funds to creditors in preference to its tax obligations under the provisions of this Chapter. A person as defined herein, who is also an officer or director of a corporation obligated to file declarations and pay tax pursuant to this Chapter , shall be presumed to be a person with the power to control the fiscal decision-making process. Whenever the term "person" is used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty, the term as applied to association shall mean the owners or part owners thereof, and as applied to corporation, the officers thereof.

    "Real property" and "realty" mean real property as defined by and under the laws of the state of California.

    "Value of consideration" means the total consideration, valued in money of the United States, paid or delivered, or contracted to be paid or delivered in return for the transfer of real property, including the amount of any indebtedness existing immediately prior to the transfer which is secured by a lien, deed of trust or other encumbrance on the property conveyed and which continues to be secured by such lien, deed of trust or encumbrances after such transfer, and also including the amount of any indebtedness which is secured by a lien, deed of trust or encumbrance given or placed upon the property in connection with the transfer to secure the payment of the purchase price or any part thereof which remains unpaid at the time of transfer.

    "Value of the consideration" also includes the amount of any special assessment levied or imposed upon the property by a public body, district or agency, where such special assessment is a lien or encumbrance on the property and the purchaser or transferee agrees to pay such special assessment or takes the property subject to the lien of such special assessment. The value of any lien or encumbrance of a type other than those which are hereinabove specifically included, existing immediately prior to the transfer and remaining after such transfer, shall not be included in determining the value of the consideration. If the "value of the consideration" cannot be definitely determined, or is left open to be fixed by future contingencies, "value of the consideration" shall be deemed to mean the fair market value of the property at the time of transfer, after deducting the amount of any lien or encumbrance, if any, of a type which would be excluded in determining the "value of the consideration" pursuant to the above provisions of this Section.

    Unless a transfer is a "gift", i.e., "free and clear" of liens or encumbrances, it is presumed that the value of consideration of a given property being transferred is the fair market value of that property, unless circumstances supporting a departure therefrom can be furnished to the sole satisfaction of the Director or his or her designee(s).

(Res. No. 81926, § 3, 4-21-2009; Ord. 12264 § 3, 2000: prior code § 5-27.03)