§ 4.20.050. Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • The tax imposed by Section 4.20.020 shall not apply to:


    Any transfer made solely to secure a debt. There is an exemption for transfers of partial interests in property to a co-signor or from a co-owner as required pursuant to a verifiable demand by a lender in order to secure the debt for such transfer. Specifically, the subsequent removal or reinstatement of such co-owner or co-signing party(s) must be effected within seven years of the close of escrow pertaining to such loan in order to qualify for the exemption herein. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to exclude the amount of any such indebtedness from being included in the "value of consideration" pursuant to Section 4.20.030 in connection with transfers which are not made solely to secure a debt;


    Transfers to make effective any plan of corporate reorganization or adjustment:


    Confirmed under the Bankruptcy Act, as amended,


    Approved in an equity receivership proceeding in a court involving a railroad corporation as defined in Section 77(m) of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended,


    Approved in an equity receivership proceeding in a court involving a corporation, as defined in Section 106(3) of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended;


    Any transfer of property from one spouse to the other in accordance with the terms of a decree of dissolution, legal separation or in fulfillment of a property settlement incident thereto; provided, however, that such property was acquired by the husband and wife or husband or wife prior to the final decree of dissolution. Furthermore, any transfer, if made during the term of the marriage or domestic partnership, between husband and wife or duly registered domestic partners, shall be tax-exempt interspousal transfers. However, no transfer of property to a third party shall be exempt from this tax, despite the existence of a valid court order or settlement agreement.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, a transfer to the other former spouse or partner, after dissolution, of the owner-occupied, single-family residential property that was the primary domicile of the parties shall be eligible for this real property transfer tax exemption, despite the absence of a court-ordered settlement agreement.


    For domestic partners, the two parties to the transfer must have on file a valid domestic partnership registration: (a) as administered by the Office of the City Clerk of Oakland, or (b) under existing law and procedures for the state of California domestic partnership registry, or (c) with the City Clerk or appropriate governmental agency of a jurisdiction that recognizes domestic partnership registration and the City Clerk of the City of Oakland concludes that the registration requirements of that jurisdiction are minimally similar to those currently in effect in Oakland.


    If the parties do not own, as joint tenants, the property that is the subject of their dissolution agreement, they must demonstrate that they were living together at the location of the real property in question either at least six months prior to the dissolution of the domestic partners relationship or the entire period of ownership of the transferring partner, whichever is more. This requirement is not subject to waiver notwithstanding the language of subsection (C)(1) of this Section regarding registration.


    The parties must provide that portion of their dissolution and property settlement agreement between the domestic partners pertaining to the division or transfer of property, which shall be filed with the Office of the City Clerk. Such copy of such settlement agreement shall be accompanied by an affidavit with verifiable signatures or proof of identity, that the copy is an accurate and authentic reproduction of the final settlement agreement between the parties;


    Transfer or transfers, conveyance, lease or sublease without consideration that confirm or correct a deed, provided that such correction is recorded no later than ninety (90) days after the recordation of the transfer to be corrected;


    Transfer to or between the United States, state of California, any city, county, city and county, district or any other political subdivision of the state of California and transfer executed pursuant to eminent domain proceedings by the United States, state of California, any city, county, city and county, district or other political subdivision of the state of California;

    Any deed, instrument, or other writing by which the state of California, any political subdivision thereof, or agency or instrumentality of either thereof, conveys to a nonprofit corporation realty the acquisition, construction, or improvement of which was financed or refinanced by obligations issued by the nonprofit corporation on behalf of a governmental unit, within the meaning of Section 1.103-1(b) of Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations;


    Transfers made pursuant to any order by the court in any note and deed of trust or lien foreclosure proceeding or upon execution of a judgment, or a transfer in lieu of foreclosure. In cases of transfers in lieu of foreclosure or foreclosure by junior lien holders to protect their position with respect to that property, a transfer tax shall be set by the amount of any senior liens or notes and deeds of trust on that property that are paid or assumed by the junior note holder;


    Transfers recorded prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter;



    In the case of real property held by a partnership or other entity treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, the tax imposed shall not apply by reason of any transfer of any interest in a partnership or other entity or otherwise, if both of the following occur:


    Such partnership or other entity treated as a partnership is considered as a continuing partnership within the meaning of Section 708 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,


    Such continuing partnership continues to hold the real property concerned.


    If there is a termination of any partnership or other entity treated as a partnership within the meaning of Section 708 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, for purposes of this Chapter, such partnership or other entity shall be treated as having executed an instrument whereby there was transferred, for fair market value (exclusive of the value of any lien or encumbrance remaining thereon), all realty held by such partnership or other entity at the time of such termination;


    Not more than one tax shall be imposed pursuant to this Chapter by termination described in subsection (H)(2) of this Section, and any transfer pursuant thereto, with respect to the real property held by such partnership or other entity treated as a partnership at the time of such termination.


    The making or delivery of conveyances to make effective any order of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1083 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, but only if:


    The order of the Securities and Exchange Commission, in obedience to which such conveyance is made, recites that such conveyance is necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of Section 79K of Title 15 of the United States Code, relating to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935,


    Such order specifies the property that is ordered to be conveyed,


    Such conveyance is made in obedience to such order;


    Any real property that is inherited from a deceased transferor, without consideration, upon the death of such individual, or from that deceased's estate or trust. Transfers from a decedent's estate into a trust for the benefit of the transferee shall likewise be exempt. Upon request of the Agency Director, an affidavit of death certificate, trust documents, or other documents deemed necessary, shall be provided;


    Any transfer of real property between an individual or individuals and a legal entity or between legal entities that results solely in a change in the method of holding title to the realty and in which proportional ownership interests in the realty, whether represented by stock, membership interest, partnership interest, cotenancy interest, or otherwise, directly or indirectly, that remains the same for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days after the transfer. Transfers from a parent corporation to a wholly owned subsidiary corporation shall likewise be exempt; provided, the beneficial ownership of the property remains the same;


    Transfers, without consideration; provided, the transferee neither conveys an interest therein to a third party nor effects a refinancing for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the gift transfer; however, refinancings for the purposes of rehabilitation of the gifted property are not subject to this limitation upon submission of documentation required by the Director or his or her designee(s)

    Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, transfers, without consideration, of commercial real property, including residential rental property, other than the principal residence of the transferor will be subject to this tax to the extent that the fair market value thereof exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). In such case, only the amount of the fair market value that exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) will be taxed.

(Ord. 12466 § 1, 2003: Ord. 12264 §§ 5—24, 2000; Ord. 11835 § 1, 1995; Ord. 11664 § 1, 1993; prior code § 5-27.05)