§ 4.24.150. Collection of delinquent taxes by special tax roll assessment.  

Latest version.
  • With the confirmation of the report by the City Council, the delinquent transient tax charges contained therein which remain unpaid by the owner/operator of the business/business property shall constitute a special assessment against said business property and shall be collected at such time as is established by the County Assessor for inclusion in the next property tax assessment.

    The Tax Administrator shall turn over to the County Assessor for inclusion in the next property tax assessment the total sum of unpaid delinquent transient occupancy tax charges consisting of the delinquent occupancy taxes, penalties, interest at the rate of twelve (12) percent per annum from the date of recordation to the date of lien, an administrative charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) and a release of lien filing fee in amount equal to the amount charged by the Alameda County Recorder's Office.

    Thereafter, said assessment may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure of sale as provided for delinquent ordinary municipal taxes. The assessment liens shall be subordinate to liens except for those of state, county and municipal taxes with which it shall be upon parity. The lien shall continue until the assessment and all interest and charges due and payable thereon are paid. All laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of municipal taxes shall be applicable to said special assessments.

(Prior code § 5-20.13(b))