§ 4.28.120. Reporting and remitting—Examination of books, records, witnesses.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    On or before the forty-fifth day after close of the billing cycle that ends on the last business day of any given month, every service supplier must make a return to the Tax Administrator, on forms provided by him or her, stating the amount of taxes collected by service supplier during the preceding month billing cycle and setting forth the applicable factor or factors that constitute the service supplier's measure of the tax, together with such other information as shall be required by the Tax Administrator to enable it to administer the provisions of this Chapter and shall pay at such time the amount of the tax computed thereon. At the time the return is filed, the service supplier must remit the full amount of the tax collected to the Tax Administrator. The Tax Administrator may establish shorter reporting periods for any service supplier if he or she deems it necessary in order to insure collection of the tax and he or she may require further information in the return. Returns and remittances are due immediately upon cessation of business for any reason.


    The Tax Administrator, or any duly authorized employee, is authorized to examine the books, papers, tax returns and records of any service supplier or service user subject to this Chapter for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any declaration made, or if no declaration was made, to ascertain the tax due or collected under this Chapter. Every person subject to the provisions of this Chapter is directed and required to furnish to the Tax Administrator or duly authorized agent or employee, the means, facilities and opportunity for making such examination and investigations. The Tax Administrator is authorized to examine a person under oath, for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any declaration made, or if no declaration was made, to ascertain the tax due under this Chapter. In order to ascertain the tax due under this Chapter, the Tax Administrator may compel, by administrative subpoena, the production of relevant books, papers and records and the attendance of all persons as parties or witnesses. The refusal to submit to such examination or production by any employer or person subject to the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter, and administrative subpoenas shall be enforced pursuant to applicable state law.

(Ord. 12805 § 4, 2007: prior code § 5-23.08)