§ 4.52.050. Collection of Tax and Registration of Distributors.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every Person engaged in or about to engage in business as a Distributor in the City shall immediately register with the City in the manner and form determined by the Tax Administrator. Persons engaged in such business must be registered no later than thirty (30) days after the date the tax imposed by this Chapter becomes effective on July 1, 2017, but such privilege of such registration after the date of imposition of such tax shall not relieve any person from the obligation or payment or collection of tax on and after the date of imposition thereof, regardless of registration.


    Any person who fails to pay the tax to the City or any amount of tax required to be collected and paid to the City within the time required by the rules and regulations established by the Tax Administrator shall pay a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the tax or amount of the tax, in addition to the tax or amount of delinquent tax, plus interest, computed on the amount of delinquent tax, inclusive of penalties, at the rate of one percent per month, or fraction thereof, from the date on which the tax or the amount of tax required to be collected became due and payable to the City and until the date of payment.


    The amount of any tax, penalty, and interest imposed by this Chapter shall be deemed a debt to the City. Any Distributor owing money under the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable in an action brought in the name of the City for the recovery of such amount.


    In order to aid in the collection of taxes due to the City under this Chapter , any Distributor or Retailer that distributes, receives or sells Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Product(s) shall provide information to the City regarding the Distribution of these products in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Tax Administrator.


    The City Council is authorized to have the taxes imposed by this Chapter collected by the County of Alameda or the California Board of Equalization in conjunction with the collection of other taxes for the City. If the City Council exercises this authorization, the duties and responsibilities of the Tax Administrator shall be given, as appropriate, to the County of Alameda or the California Board of Equalization, which may delegate such duties and responsibilities as necessary and as authorized by law.

(Res. No. 86161, § 3, 5-3-2016)