§ 4.52.080. Community Advisory Board.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby established a Community Advisory Board.


    The Community Advisory Board shall advise and make recommendations on how and to what extent the City Council should establish and/or fund programs to prevent or reduce the health consequences of the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in Oakland communities, including but not limited to programs and projects to improve community nutrition, reduce childhood obesity and tooth decay, increase physical activity and prevent diabetes in children and families, especially those most affected by health disparities.


    The Community Advisory Board shall consist of nine (9) members who are all residents of the City. City Councilmembers shall make recommendations for members to the Mayor. Members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council in accordance with City Charter section 601.


    At least three (3) members will be residents who live in areas, as defined by the most current census tracts, which are disproportionately impacted by diseases related to the consumption of sugar, as measured by the most recent data available to the Alameda County Department of Public Health.


    At least two (2) members will be one medical and one dental professional who have public health experience or who engage in whole or in part in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or research of, or education about, chronic diseases linked to the consumption of sugar.


    At least two (2) parents of students currently enrolled in an Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). The parent representatives shall have a student enrolled in an OUSD school at the commencement of the initial term and any subsequent term.


    At least two (2) members will have experience in addressing public health issues, related to diabetes, obesity and sugary drink consumption, community-based youth food and nutrition programs, school-based food and nutrition programs, oral health or early childhood nutrition.


    Members shall serve three (3) year terms. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. The initial two (3) year term for each of the initial members shall commence as of the date that six (6) members have been appointed, which is when the Advisory Board may begin its work. A quorum of the Advisory Board shall be five (5) members. Absence from three (3) consecutive regular meetings, or four (4) regular meetings during a single fiscal year, shall constitute resignation from the Advisory Board.


    Members of the Community Advisory Board shall serve without pay.


    The City Administrator shall provide clerical assistance and administrative support and technical assistance to the Community Advisory Board. All City departments, boards, and commissions shall reasonably assist and cooperate with the Community Advisory Board.


    The Community Advisory Board shall meet at least four (4) times per fiscal year.


    Unless otherwise reauthorized by the City Council, this Section shall expire by operation of law, and the Community Advisory Board shall terminate, as of December 31, 2028. After that date, the City Attorney shall cause this Section to be removed from the Administrative Code.


    The Community Advisory Board shall publish an annual report that includes the following: 1) Recommendations on how to allocate the City's general funds to reduce the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in Oakland and to address the results of such consumption; 2) How and to what extent the City Council and Mayor have implemented the recommendations presented by the Board; 3) Information, if available, concerning the impact of this Chapter on the public health of the residents of the City; and 4) Any additional information that the Panel deems appropriate.


    Within 15 days of receipt of the publication of the Advisory Board's annual report, the City Administrator shall cause the report to be published on the City's Internet website and to be transmitted to the City Council.

(Res. No. 86161, § 3, 5-3-2016)