§ 4.56.070. Accountability.

Latest version.
  • A.

    In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Sections 50075.1 and 50075.3, the following accountability measures, among others, shall apply to the tax:


    A separate, special account, referred to as the vacant property tax fund, shall be created, into which the proceeds of the tax must be deposited.


    The specific purposes of the tax are for the funding of programs and services for homeless people, to reduce homelessness, and to support the provision of affordable housing and for the other purposes set forth in Section 4.56.050 of this Chapter. The proceeds of the tax shall be applied only to these specific purposes.


    The Commission established by Section 4.56.060 shall perform the oversight functions listed in that Section to ensure that the revenue from the tax is spent solely for the purposes listed in Section 4.56.050.


    The City Auditor shall perform regular audits to ensure accountability and proper disbursement of all revenue collected by the City from the tax imposed by this Chapter , in accordance with the objectives stated herein and in compliance with provisions of California law.


    The City's current general purpose fund expenditures for illegal dumping remediation may not be replaced by this tax. For any year during which this tax is in effect, if the City's general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping remediation are less than the amount expended in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, this tax shall not be levied and collected. In the event that a severe and unanticipated financial or other event occurs that so adversely impacts the general purpose fund as to prevent the City from budgeting for and maintaining the level of general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping remediation at the fiscal year 2016-2017 level, then the tax may nevertheless be levied and collected, if both of the following two (2) conditions are met:


    The City's reduction to general purpose fund illegal dumping remediation expenditures is no more than the same proportion of reduction that is imposed on the City's net general purpose fund budget for non-safety departments; and


    The City Administrator submits a report to the City Council explaining the severe and unanticipated event, the steps that were taken by the City to avoid the need to reduce general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping remediation, and the steps that will be taken by the City in the future to restore the fiscal year 2016-2017 level of general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping remediation.

    Such actions must be taken for each fiscal year in which the City fails to meet the level of general purpose fund illegal dumping remediation spending required by this paragraph. Following any general purpose fund reduction in illegal dumping remediation from the 2016-2017 fiscal year level and for the tax to be levied in any subsequent year, the level of general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping remediation must be increased proportional to the increases in the non-safety departments' net general purpose fund budgets up to at least the fiscal year 2016-2017 level of general purpose fund expenditures on illegal dumping.

(Res. No. 87319, § 3, 7-24-2018)