§ 5.04.350. Real estate developer.  

Latest version.
  • Every person engaged in the business of developing and selling real property in which said person has an equity interest or title, and not specifically taxed by other provisions of this chapter, shall pay a business tax of sixty dollars ($60.00) for the first thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-five dollars ($33,335.00) or less of gross receipts, plus one dollar and eighty cents ($1.80) for each additional one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of gross receipts or fractional part thereof in excess of thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-five dollars ($33,335.00). A person shall be deemed to be engaged in the business described in this section who:


    As a subdivider, as that term is defined in Section 11508 of the California Business and Professions Code, has recorded a subdivision map respecting the property sold in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act of California; provided, however, that a person filing or joining in filing of a subdivision map for the sole purpose of accomplishing a street vacation shall not be considered a subdivider; or


    Has, prior to sale, divided the property held pursuant to the "lot-split" regulations of the Oakland Municipal Code; or


    Sells two or more pieces of real property within a calendar year and upon each of which a building was constructed or caused to be constructed by the seller; provided such sales were within three years of the recordation by anyone of a subdivision map respecting the property sold pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act; or


    Sells any real property upon which said person has constructed or caused to be constructed an apartment house or commercial building; provided such sale is either prior to or within three years after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its equivalent respecting the property sold.

(Prior code § 5-1.31(a))