§ 5.04.510. Optional method of determining tax.  

Latest version.
  • When a person engages in two or more businesses, other than manufacturing, which are taxed on the basis of gross receipts under different provisions of this chapter, such person may elect to combine all such gross receipts and pay a tax determined by applying the rate of tax applicable to that business activity producing the greatest amount of gross receipts, subject to the following provisions:


    All businesses must be conducted at the same location; and


    The gross receipts of all business activities, except the business producing the greatest amount of gross receipts, must not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the total combined gross receipts of all business activities.


    Each person required to obtain a business tax certificate for engaging in the business of selling firearms or firearms ammunition under the provisions of Section 5.04.485 shall not be required to obtain a business tax certificate for activities covered by any other section of this chapter and shall pay tax on gross receipts derived from any activity covered by any section of this chapter at the rate prescribed for gross receipts from the sale of firearms or firearms ammunition.

(Ord. 12838 § 3 (part), 2007; amended by Measure D, passed by voters June 2, 1998; prior code § 5-1.49)