§ 5.06.030. Advertising in public streets.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person upon any public sidewalk or in any street in the city, to carry, bear or support any banner, sign, transparency, framework, device or emblem used, or purported to be used, or intended, as an advertisement of any trade, profession or business, place of business, office, store or occupation, or to distribute, by hand or otherwise, upon any sidewalk, street, square or other public place, or to throw upon any sidewalk, street, square or other public place, any advertisement, bill, poster, flyer, notice or advertisement, device or emblem used, or purporting to be used, or intended as, an advertisement or notice of any article or merchandise, or of any trade, business, profession, office, store, or occupation of any person.

(Prior code § 5-3.03)