§ 5.08.170. Jewelry auctions—Application for permit.  

Latest version.
  • The permit to conduct a jewelry auction shall be granted and shall exist in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.02. If the permit is issued for the sale of merchandise described in Section 5.08.140A the application shall set forth, in addition to the requirements specified in Section 5.02.020, the following:


    The purpose of the sale;


    The date or dates on which the applicant desires to hold a jewelry auction;


    The name of the auctioneer who will conduct the auction;


    Attached to the application, in duplicate, a detailed inventory, item by item, of the goods, wares and merchandise to be sold, the wholesale value, or cost of the applicant, of each item, and the quality and grade thereof. Each item of merchandise must be numbered separately in the inventory, and the number in the inventory must correspond to the number physically attached to such item. Such inventory, when filed with the Chief of Police must be accompanied by a statement, sworn to by the applicant, that all of the merchandise described in the inventory is a bona fide part of the applicant's stock in trade and is not secured, purchased or brought into his or her place of business for, or in anticipation of, said sale, and that no other merchandise will be brought into said place of business after the date of the filing of said application, and that no merchandise will be sold, or offered for sale, that is not set forth in said inventory, and that each of the statements in said inventory is true and correct to his or her own personal knowledge.

(Prior code § 5-9.212)