§ 5.10.330. Summary suspension of permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever it appears to the Chief of Police or his or her representative that the permittee is conducting a bingo game in violation of any of these provisions, said Chief of Police or his or her representative shall have the authority to summarily suspend the permit for a period not to exceed five days and to order the permittee to immediately cease and desist any further operations of any bingo games for a period not to exceed five days. After a permit has been summarily suspended, the Chief of Police or his or her representative shall refer the matter to the City Administrator for an investigation.


    Any person who continues to conduct a bingo game after any summary suspension thereof under Subsection A. of this Section shall be deemed guilty of an infraction.


    Access to Criminal History Information. The Chief of Police or his or her representative shall have the authority to obtain criminal history information for each officer of the permittee organization and each person operating or assisting in the operation of a bingo game for purposes of determining those who have been convicted within the past five years of crimes involving lotteries, gambling, larceny, perjury, bribery, extortion, fraud, or similar crimes involving moral turpitude, and to provide such information to the City Administrator for his or her use in granting, denying and suspending or revoking bingo permits.

(Ord. No. 12967, § 4, 7-28-2009)