§ 5.12.040. Extended hours permit process.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An extended hours permit shall be required for cabaret operation between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.


    A maximum of ten (10) extended hours permits shall be issued in the City's Central District (defined as within the boundaries of I-980 and Brush Street to the west; 27th Street to the north; Harrison Street/Lake Merritt and the Lake Merritt Channel to the east; and the Estuary to the south) per Oakland Planning Code Subsection 17.102.210 B.1.a.


    The permits shall be issued at the discretion of the City Administrator or his/her designee to existing cabarets in good standing following a public hearing conducted according to the requirements of Chapter 5.02, and based on an evaluative point system that takes into consideration the operating history and business practices of the applicant, and any other factors that is deemed necessary to the peace, order and welfare of the public. Such issuance shall factor into consideration and give great weight to the recommendation of the Chief of Police or his/her designee. A proposed extended hours permittee may be denied for failure to meet requirements of the City building code, City fire code, City planning code, this Code, any violation of State or local law relevant to the operation of cabarets.


    The City Administrator shall establish conditions of approval, including but not limited to a security plan, parking plan, and set hours of operations. Set hours may be adjusted only pursuant to thirty (30) days notification to and approval by the City Administrator's Office.


    Permitees must submit a monthly calendar of events to the City Administrator's Office and to the special events unit of OPD. Calendars shall be submitted thirty (30) days in advance.


    The permit shall be subject to suspension or revocation according to the standards of Chapter 5.02, and the owner/operator shall be liable for excessive police costs related to enforcement. The Chief of Police, in his or her discretion, may immediately suspend, and recommend for revocation, such permit for any reason for which the granting of such permit might be lawfully denied, to protect the person and property of patrons of the location, or to protect the safety and welfare of the general public. Such suspension shall last no longer than is practically necessary to schedule a due process hearing on the merits of the revocation and the recommendation by the Chief of police or his/her designee to revoke the permit. A hearing to show cause must be held within ten (10) business days from the date of suspension, except that such suspension cannot exceed ten (10) days. If such suspension was the result of violent crime, narcotic related crime, melee, or gang activity emanating from or occurring on the premises the suspension shall not be removed until a final decision from the hearing officer has been rendered. All other suspensions may be removed prior to the hearing if the hearing cannot be held within ten (10) days although the decision of the hearing officer may include additional suspension or revocation of the permit.


    The application fee and annual fee for the extended hours permit shall be specified in the master fee schedule.


    A business whose extended hours permit is denied, suspended, or revoked may request a hearing to show cause why the permit should not be denied, suspended, or revoked. The hearing shall be conducted by an Administrative Hearing Officer, as defined in Chapter 5.02.

(Ord. No. 13293, § 2, 2-17-2015; Ord. No. 13116, § 1, 6-5-2012; Ord. No. 13006, § 4, 5-4-2010)