§ 5.14.020. Permit required.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to conduct, hold, maintain or carry on, or to cause or permit to be conducted, held, maintained, or carried on, any carnival in the city unless a valid permit has been issued in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.02. Investigating official referred to in Section 5.02.030, to whom the application shall be referred, shall be the Chief of Police.

    No permit shall be issued for sponsoring a carnival in the city for a period of more than two weeks duration, and no carnival sponsor shall be issued a permit to sponsor a carnival in the city for more than one period in each calendar year.

    A carnival operator is not limited to providing carnival equipment to one carnival sponsor per calendar year, but may provide carnival equipment to any carnival sponsor with a valid carnival permit. No portion of any street shall be used for the purpose of operating any carnival.

(Prior code § 5-4.18)