§ 5.16.430. Reports.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The City Administrator may from time to time direct a franchisee to prepare reports related to the provisions of applicable law or the franchise, or the construction, operation, upgrade or repair of the cable communications system and to submit those reports by a date certain, in a format prescribed by the City Administrator, in addition to those required by this chapter.


    Each franchisee shall submit the reports specified in the franchise ordinance, within the time limits specified in the ordinance.


    No later than thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar year, a franchisee shall submit the following information:


    A certified statement setting forth the computation of gross revenues used to calculate the franchise fee for the preceding year and a detailed explanation of the method of computation showing (i) gross revenues by category (e.g., basic, pay, pay-per-view, advertising, installation, equipment, late charges, miscellaneous, other); and (ii) what, if any, deductions were made from gross revenues in calculating the franchise fee (e.g., bad debt, credits and refunds), and the amount of each deduction.


    A report showing, for each applicable customer service standard, the franchisees performance with respect to that standard for the preceding year. In each case where franchisee concludes it did not comply fully, the franchisee will describe the corrective actions it is taking to assure future compliance. In addition, the report should identify the number and nature of all escalated customer service complaints received and an explanation of their dispositions.

(Ord. 12729 § 1 (part), 2006)