§ 5.18.010. Commission of Public Charities—Membership, term, vacancies, officers, meetings, rules and regulations—Application of Hearing Officer.  

Latest version.
  • The Commission of Public Charities of the city heretofore created and now existing is continued in full force and effect. Said Commission shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Council on nomination by the Mayor, and not more than four of whom shall be of the same sex. All of the said Commissioners shall serve without compensation. The term of office of the members of said Commission shall be three years; provided, however, that the seven members heretofore appointed shall continue in office hereunder for the balance of the terms that they are now serving. If any vacancy occurs, the Council, upon nomination by the Mayor, shall fill the same by appointment for the unexpired term. The Commission shall, in January of each year, elect from among its members a president, a vice-president who shall act as president during the temporary absence or disability of the president, and a secretary who shall act as president in the event of the temporary absence or disability of both the president and the vice-president, each of whom shall hold office for one year and until a successor is elected, unless the term of such member of said Commission shall have expired sooner. Said Commission shall hold such meetings at such time and place as it may fix, and may adopt rules and regulations for its guidance. Regardless of the reason, whenever the Commission of Public Charities lacks a quorum of at least four Commission members, the City Manager, or his or her designee, is empowered to serve as the interim hearing officer with the complete and full authority to function in place of the Commission of Public Charities and to perform all duties, tasks, services, and responsibilities of the Commission of Public Charities as established now, or hereafter, by resolution, ordinance, municipal code, charter, or other legislation.

    The authority of the City Manager, or his or her designee, to act as interim Hearing Officer shall continue until the City Council takes future and further action to alter or eliminate this authority.

    Whenever the City Manager, or his or her designee, acts as the interim Hearing Officer, any decision reached by the interim hearing officer may be appealed to the City Council pursuant to Section 5.18.200.

(Prior code § 3-2.01)