§ 5.18.050. Application for charitable solicitations permit.  

Latest version.
  • An application for a permit to solicit as provided by Section 5.18.040 shall be made to the Commission upon forms provided by the Commission. Such application shall be executed under oath by the applicant and, if a promoter is involved in the solicitation, he or she shall likewise execute under oath such application. The application shall be filed with the Commission at least thirty (30) days prior to the time at which the permit applied for shall become effective; provided, however, that the Commission may for good cause shown allow the filing of an application less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the permit applied for. The application herein required shall contain the following information, or in lieu thereof, a detailed statement of the reason or reasons why such information cannot be furnished:


    The name and address or headquarters of the person applying for the permit;


    If applicant is not an individual, the names and addresses of the applicant's principal officers and managers, and a copy of the resolution, if any, authorizing such solicitation, certified to as a true and correct copy of the original by the officer having charge of applicant's records;


    The purpose for which such solicitation is to be made, the total amount of funds proposed to be raised thereby, and the use or disposition to be made of any receipts therefrom;


    A specific statement, supported by reasons and, if available, figures showing the need for the contributions to be solicited;


    The names and addresses of the person or persons by whom the receipts of such solicitations shall be disbursed;


    The names and addresses of the person or persons who will be in direct charge of conducting the solicitation and the names of all promoters connected or to be connected with the proposed solicitation;


    An outline of the method or methods to be used in conducting the solicitations;


    The time when such solicitations shall be made, giving the dates for the beginning and ending of such solicitations;


    An itemization of the estimated cost of the solicitation;


    The amount of any wages, fees, commissions, expenses or emoluments to be expended or paid to any person in connection with such solicitations, and the names and addresses of all such persons;


    A financial statement for the last preceding fiscal year of any funds collected for charitable purposes by the applicant, said statement giving the amount of money so raised, together with the cost of raising it, and final distribution thereof;


    A full statement of the character and extent of the charitable work being done by the applicant within the city;


    A statement that the cost of the solicitation for direct gifts shall not exceed sixteen (16) percent of the total amount to be raised, or for sale and benefit affairs shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the total amount to be raised; and that in both types of solicitations all wages, fees, commissions, and emoluments to be paid to all salespersons, solicitors, collectors, conductors, and managers will not exceed ten (10) percent of the total amount to be raised;


    A statement to the effect that if a permit is granted, it will not be used or represented in any way as an endorsement by the city, or by any department or officer thereof;


    A statement that applicant, and if applicant is not an individual, all organization officers, and any promoter, has read and understands the provisions of this chapter.

    If, while any application is pending, or during the term of any permit granted thereof, there is any change in fact, policy, or method that would alter the information given in the application, the applicant shall notify the Commission in writing thereof within twenty-four (24) hours after such change.

(Prior code § 3-2.10)