§ 5.18.130. Revocation of permits, hearings, decision.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever it shall be shown, or whenever any member of the Commission has knowledge that any person to whom a permit has been issued under this chapter has violated any of the provisions of this chapter, or any promoter, agent or solicitor of a permit holder has misrepresented the purpose of the solicitation, the President may immediately suspend the permit and give the permit holder written notice by registered special delivery mail of a hearing to be held within two days of such suspension to determine whether or not the permit should be revoked. This notice must contain a statement of the facts upon which the President has acted in suspending the permit. At the hearing, which shall be held before the Commission, the permit holder, and any other interested person, shall have the right to present evidence as to the facts upon which the President based the suspension of the permit, and any other facts which may aid the Commission in determining whether this chapter has been violated and whether the purpose of the solicitation has been misrepresented. If, after such hearing, the Commission finds that this chapter has been misrepresented, it shall within two days after the hearing file in its office for public inspection and serve upon the permit holder, and all interested persons participating in the hearing, a written statement of the facts upon which it bases such finding and shall immediately revoke the permit. If, after such hearing the Commission finds that this chapter has not been violated and the purpose of the solicitation has not been misrepresented, it shall within two days after the hearing give to the permit holder, and all interested persons participating in said hearing, a written statement cancelling the suspension of the permit and stating that no violation or misrepresentation was found to have been committed.

(Prior code § 3-2.20)